File Transfer Protocol or FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over the internet. Within the context of a traceability program, FTP is an option for trading partners to exchange flat files for inventory or Advance Ship Notices that include the KDE’s and CTE’s that are needed to understand the movement of products that will be traced.
Instructions for Setup
Navigating to the FTP Setup in FoodLogiQ
After you log in to your account within connect.foodlogiq.com, click on the cogwheel icon in the top right to access the Settings menu, then select “Integrations”.
Step 1: Create FTP Credentials
Select "FTP" Tab at the top of the page. Request FTP credentials by clicking the “Generate Credentials” button. When your credentials are generated, they will appear on this page and additionally will be sent to you in an email. To speed this process up, please make sure to send an email to support@foodlogiq.com.
Step 2: Download Template
Download the Event Template that is relevant to what you are trying to submit. The examples below will be using the “Shipping” template.
Note: Harvesting (Aquaculture) and Landing events are not supported through FTP at the current moment. Transforming events with seafood contents are additionally not supported currently.
On the next screen, you will need to provide additional information, the Community you are submitting the Event for and type of Event. Select the appropriate dropdown menus on the left, then click “Download Template”.
Open the file and complete the necessary information. No matter how your event is submitted we require the date format mm/dd/yyyy.
Once you have completed the spreadsheet with the necessary event data, save as .csv formatted file.
NOTE: The .csv file name must be unique each time you upload. We suggest using date/time as part of the name, for example: fileupload-mm-dd-yyyy.csv
Below is an example of the Shipping Events Template with standard required fields populated, displaying the appropriate formats for each.
Step 3: Submit via FTP Server
When you are ready to upload your Event Template with populated data and you have received your FTP credentials, you will proceed to “Step 3 – Upload Events & Verify”. Follow the instructions on the page, and enter an email address which you’d like to receive notifications if there are processing errors. (Example below has email “tylerfarmsadmin@tylerfarms.com".
Submit files to ftp.foodlogiq.com/events.
Interested in submitted via SFTP? Enter "sftp://[username]@ftp.foodlogiq.com" into the Host Name when connecting to the server, replacing the "[username]" with the username provided in your FoodLogiQ account.
Step 4:
Once you’ve submitted the file, if it is unsuccessful, we will send an email to the identified email so we make sure it is valid. You can also view previously submitted files within the “History” page, which is accessible from the “Integrations” page. Once on that page, click on the “FTP” tab to view the previously submitted files and any error messages if you need to troubleshoot.
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