Once a Master Specification has been reviewed, approved and the template has been locked (see Specification Templates for Locking Templates information), you are ready to start assigning specifications to locations. Specifications can be assigned to My Locations and Locations Shared with Me.
To get started:
1. In the master specification you want to assign, click the Actions button, and select the Assign to Locations option.
Select the locations you would like to assign the specification to by clicking the + button to the right of each row and click Assign.
Shared with Me Location(s): Assigning specifications to external locations such as co-manufacturers or suppliers.
My Location(s): Assigning specifications to internal locations such manufacturing facilities owned by your business.
3. The child specification for each location is now visible as a link in the Child Specifications Assigned to Locations section to the right of the master specification sheet. Clicking the link will take you to the child specification for the location.
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