As a Community Owner, you will need to set up internal flows for Master Specifications. You can set up custom approval steps for your Master Specifications through the Internal Flows feature. This is a way to internally track and approve all Master Specifications in your community.
Steps to Configuring a Master Specification Internal Flow
1. Go to the Specifications admin page by clicking the cog wheel icon next to Specifications in the left-hand navigation. Then, select Internal Flows and click Add Internal Flow to add a master specification flow.
2. When you first create an internal flow, three steps will be added by default. The name for each of these steps, and all other steps created, are editable. The first step in your approval flow cannot be deleted; this is the default status that a specification will originate in when it is created.
3. Who can transition in this step? You can define which roles can transition the specification when it is at a certain step. The roles selected in the step will also receive an email notification.
4. Add transitions to allow your internal users to progress the master specification through the flow. To modify the text that appears on the transition buttons, click into the box and rename as appropriate. You will also need to specify which step each transition button is linked to.
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