Incidents within the FoodLogiQ platform allow Community Owners to report any issues their internal locations may have with products, deliveries, and more. There may be times when an incident requires your attention or response. Incident contacts within your business will receive notifications for these incidents.
Responding to an Incident (New Incident Experience)
Responding to an Incident (Old Incident Experience)
Accessing Incidents
As a community member, there are multiple ways to access incidents that may need your review or response. The incident reporting contact(s) at your business should have received an email notification for an incident that needs your review or response.
1. Access the incident through an email notification by clicking on the button or link within the email notification.
NOTE: If a specific location is included within the incident form, that specific location’s Incident Reporting Contact will receive the email notification. If a specific location is not included, then the business-level incident contact for the community will receive the email notification. If there is no business-level incident contact, then the community contact will receive the email notification.
2. Access the incident through the incident list view within FoodLogiQ Quality Management. If you do not see the incident in your list view, this means it is in an internal step to which you do not have access.
Responding to an Incident (New Incident Experience)
Note: If you have clicked the View the New Incidents Experience button at the top of your incident form, this section will be most helpful.
1. Click on the link in the notification email or the incident within the list view to open the incident form.
2. Review the details entered.
3. When ready, click Update Incident in the top right corner to open the Edit Incident modal. When editing, sections that are only visible will be minimized by default. These sections can be expanded by clicking on the carrot icon next to the section name. Editable fields will always come across as white boxes or clickable buttons. Provide all required and requested information.
Note: A red asterisk next to a field means that field must be completed prior to saving or transitioning the incident.
4. At the bottom of the modal, add an optional comment if needed. Please note that comments are visible to users within your company's account and Community Owners within the incident's History section.
5. When complete, click the blue transition button at the bottom of the modal to move the incident to the next appropriate party. Save for Later can be clicked to return to the incident later to finish completing.
Responding to an Incident (Old Incident Experience)
Note: If you have not clicked the View the New Incidents Experience button at the top of your incident form, this section will be most helpful.
1. Click on the link in the notification email or the incident within the list view to open the incident form.
2. Review the details entered in the gray boxes. If a field is grayed out that means the information is only visible and not editable.
3. The section awaiting your response will have editable fields. Editable fields will always come across as white boxes or clickable buttons. Provide all required and requested information.
Note: A red asterisk next to a field means that field must be completed prior to saving or transitioning the incident.
4. When complete, click the blue transition button in the top right corner to move the incident to the next appropriate party. Save for Later can be clicked to return to the incident later to finish completing.
When transitioning or saving the incident, an optional comment box will appear. Please note that comments are visible to users within your company's account and Community Owners within the incident's History section. Whether or not a comment is left, click Submit to transition or save the incident.
Checking an Incident Status
You can review the status of incident in which you are involved from the Incident list view. Apply filters, use the search bar, and add/remove columns as needed. Any searching, filtering, or column configurations can be saved as a custom view.
If the Community Owner has given visibility to internal steps, such as closed, we recommend filtering by status. It may also be beneficial to filter by Community if your account is connected to multiple communities.
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