When viewing an investigation, it is important to note that your investigation results are based off your Critical Tracking Event (CTE) data within Events in FoodLogiQ. You may see several indications in your investigation that reflect data that's either missing or doesn't line up with other data points. Knowing your data accuracy allows you to understand whether you're seeing the full picture and if there's an opportunity to submit a more complete dataset.
Data Accuracy Indications
First, be sure your investigation data is up to date by clicking Refresh Investigation at the top of the page.
1. No Events Found: Your search did not find any matching events. Click Edit Scope to adjust your search inputs.
2. Tilde on quantities: When viewing a product investigation, there is a tilde next to your unit quantities in the Total Products & Quantity widget. The number you see is the calculated quantity of product throughout the investigation and reflects the real-world amount that has moved through your supply chain. The tilde is a reminder that the actual amount may be larger or smaller than this number. To achieve accuracy, ensure that all product quantities are present and correct in your CTEs.
The unit quantity count for products cannot be calculated when conducting a location investigation. Learn about the difference between product and location investigations in the article Creating an Investigation.
3. Locations could not be mapped: Like the maps in Events in FoodLogiQ, the maps in your investigation are powered by Google Maps and require that locations have complete addresses in order to be pinned. You will either see a blue banner telling you how many locations could not be mapped or a blank map icon if all locations could not be mapped.
4. Unknown products and locations: If your investigation includes products/locations that are not listed as a My Product/Location or a Product/Location Shared With Me within your FoodLogiQ account, you will have minimal visibility into their details. The location will be listed as its GLN and the product will be listed as "Unknown," with its GTIN below. To learn more about GLNs and GTINs, visit the articles GLN: Global Location Number and GTIN: Global Trade Item Number.
5. Quantity discrepancies: If quantities for shipped and received products within a single card do not match, the discrepancy will be in orange next to the received quantity.
If the quantities do match, you will see a green check mark next to the received quantity.
Quantity discrepancies are only shown for shipping and receiving event cards. To learn more about how shipping and receiving events are grouped within a card, see the article Creating an Investigation.
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