Enhanced the document details page to show attachment names in two lines and updated the thumbnail displayed on hover to show the full document title, allowing for easier identification of the attached files.
For suppliers that need to update a document’s type, users will be able to select from all available document types and not just those belonging to the current document’s content type (i.e. document or audit). This update will allow suppliers to correct previously incorrectly classified documents.
Removed a logic check that incorrectly forced users to maintain one of the existing default steps when configuring document approval flows.
Added a large dashboard widget for FoodLogiQ customers that compares distributors by the average number of days it has taken incidents to become resolved over the last three months. Using this widget can highlight potential performance discrepancies for specific incident types.
Improved performance of the incident form when using the Supply Chain Member type.
Fixed an issue on the incident form when using attributes utilizing the Distributor attribute type where only the first 50 distributors in the supply chain were available as selectable options.
Introduced the ability for suppliers to save and share locations that do not have required attributes filled in. Users will be notified that there is still missing information before proceeding, and if an incomplete location is shared, a Missing Required Attribute todo will be created, allowing them to complete the location at a later date. This change allows initial approvals to begin while suppliers gather complete location information.
For FoodLogiQ customers, updated the location page to display the location’s current status when the supplier has a pending change.
Collapsed the comments and history section on the location details page into a single history section. This functionality allows users to see the complete history of the location (including ad-hoc comments) without tabbing between two pages and is consistent with the behavior in documents.
Updated the location page to show the complete name of the location’s region and country (instead of abbreviations) and enabled a hyperlink on location contacts to easily start an email to specified individuals.
Added required asterisks on custom attributes for FoodLogiQ customers when creating or updating a shared location to allow users to see what fields are required for the supplier to complete. While the required asterisks are visible, FoodLogiQ customers will not be forced to add the information in the modal.
Introduced the ability to configure individual default product attributes as required, optional and visible, or not visible to suppliers. This will allow FoodLogiQ customers to remove unneeded attributes from their product types, thereby reducing the collection of unnecessary information and decreasing the time to onboard.
When adding products of configured product types in the UI or via CSV import, users will only see the attributes that are defined in the product type as visible.
Added required asterisks on custom attributes for FoodLogiQ customers when creating or updating a shared product to allow users to see what fields are required for the supplier to complete. While the required asterisks are visible, FoodLogiQ customers will not be forced to add the information in the modal.
Collapsed the comments and history section on the product details page into a single history section. This functionality allows users to see the complete history of the product (including ad-hoc comments) without tabbing between two pages and is consistent with the behavior in documents.
When configuring roles to limit access to specific supplier audits or internal audit types, clarified the right side of the page to indicate that the selected items are template restrictions instead of added audit templates.
Added a small dashboard widget for FoodLogiQ customers that displays the number of open to-dos in the community.
Added a large dashboard widget for FoodLogiQ customers that shows the breakdown of open to-dos in the community by to-do type.
Added a large dashboard widget for FoodLogiQ customers that displays (by month) the average number of days it took for a supplier to reach an onboarding complete status.
Expanded the workflow title to utilize more of the available screen width instead of being truncated.
Track + Trace
When adding or updating an AS2/EDI configuration, users will be required to enter an email address for “Where should we send error notifications?”. This ensures EDI failures are sent to an email for monitoring and correcting submissions.
Added a large dashboard widget for FoodLogiQ customers that warns users of potential data accuracy issues in product-level dates. This widget displays a bar chart that shows, per supplier, the number of units in the supply chain that were received with a shelf life more than 100 days expired, as this is often a sign of a data encoding or data entry issue.
Added a large dashboard widget for FoodLogiQ customers that displays the average shelf life for products by product type, grouped by distributor. This widget analyzes receiving events to determine whether distributors are regularly providing shorter shelf life than others, potentially due to stock rotations or other considerations.
Updated the user experience for number filters on tables to allow users to more clearly indicate whether they want to filter for items that are less than, less than or equal to, equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to a given number. Previously, number filters required ranges, and the only way to achieve options was to leave one end of the range blank.
Addressed an issue in objects that have custom selection list fields where after searching the list by typing in text, users would get a list of options that did not always match the search term.
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