FoodLogiQ Setup
- Updated the overall look and feel of the FoodLogiQ platform to align with Trustwell branded colors. Users will notice that the primary green color utilized in action buttons was transitioned to meet our new aesthetic and that the left navigation is now collapsible. These changes are stylistic only; the functionality of the left navigation remains the same.
- Updated the layout of large dashboard widget bar graphs to display data from greatest to least value for easy viewing and analysis.
- Modified the Trend of Incident Time to Resolution by Incident Type widget to only include active incident types as filterable content in the dropdown so that users can quickly and easily see their most important incident templates.
- To align with the GS1 Global Data Model and FSMA 204 regulations, added Packaging Type as a new configurable product attribute that allows users to select the packaging type for their products. If configured on the product type, the field will be available in the product form and will allow users to add product information through import/export templates.
- Added a new configurable product attribute for Gross Weight that allows users to document a product’s numerical weight value and the corresponding unit of measurement. If configured on the product type, the field will be available in the product form and on product imports/exports.
- Introduced a new numeric attribute for Net Contents to capture the weight of a product and the corresponding unit of measurement. If configured on the product type, the field will be available in the product form and on product imports/exports
- Renamed the previously available Net Content attribute to read Net Content Statement. This was a label-only change to differentiate the existing string attribute from the newer, normalized attribute above.
- Enabled administrator users to utilize the Food Traceability List and Packaging Type as available attributes when selecting document or audit requirements based on a specific response to the attribute.
- Added Wiltshire to the list of available regions for the United Kingdom.
- For workflow steps that involve a review, updated the interface to allow any user with a reviewer role to mark the workflow step as complete by clicking the Complete button. Once the workflow step has been marked as complete, the To-Do card will be removed from the dashboard.
FoodLogiQ Compliance
- Added the ability for admin users, as well as users with view and edit permissions for Suppliers and Documents, to request documents through the creation of an ad-hoc to-do from the supplier information page. Users will select the desired document type and choose to associate this to-do with a business, product, or location-level requirement, assisting the supplier in completing the to-do from their dashboard.
- Added three small dashboard widgets for FoodLogiQ customers that display the number of documents that have Pending Changes, are Pending Delete, or are Newly Shared. Once the widget is selected, the user will be brought to the Documents list view with the pre-filtered appropriate selection.
- Amended a bug for Suppliers viewing My Documents. Suppliers can now edit the name of the document from the document details page.
- When using documents to collect third-party audit information, added BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9 as an available audit scheme as well as RINA as an available certification body.
Audits & Assessments
- Updated the audit PDF export to include audit notes in the audit export. This will display the timestamp and the user who added the note.
- Added a configurable column for Created By on the Audits & Assessments list view page that displays the username of the individual who created the object.
- Amended the display of the date and time format on the Created At and Completed At columns to create display consistency with the Updated At configurable column.
When exporting an individual audit/assessment that contains a product evaluation table question with a custom selection list data type, added the list options to the export.
- Resolved an existing issue regarding links inside of Audits & Assessments that were not honoring individual user role permissions. Now selecting a link to an audit inside a different audit/assessment will take users to the linked audit while honoring the user’s permissions.
- Resolved an issue on the audit and assessment template where, if a user pauses their typing when editing a question, the question text would become unfocused, causing the user to have to re-engage by clicking into the desired field. The cursor will now remain where the user last left.
- When creating a new role, users will again be able to associate and specify Audit and Assessment Templates.
FoodLogiQ Quality Management
- Added the ability for users who are configuring an incident step to send a preview email to a desired email address. This feature can greatly assist when testing incident workflows and building email templates for familiarity.
- Added aliasID in the default subject line for configurable incident notifications. When users receive their incident notification, that incident’s ID (e.g. 23-567) will be included in the email subject line, allowing for easier communication and assistance as needed.
FoodLogiQ Traceability
- When exporting events, amended the logic for handling locations that share a GLN within a community to choose the correct location master data based on the event submitter, the location owner, and other data.
- Added functionality to allow for the export of seafood events contents. Users will now be able to export Harvesting (Aquaculture) and Landing events and view the appropriate key data elements (KDEs) in the export, including raw seafood contents.
FoodLogiQ Recall
- Added four small dashboard widgets for FoodLogiQ customers that display the count of open or closed Withdrawals over a 30, 60, 90, or 180-day period.
Sitewide & Performance
- Added German as a configurable language to the platform and mobile application.
- Added support for ADA, WCAG 2.1, and Section 508 compliance through a user-customizable widget for adjusting on-screen items.
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