As a Community Owner, you have the ability to set up custom attribute fields that are only visible to you, not your suppliers. This is useful for you if you need to track information and data on your supplier's products that is used for internal and reporting purposes. These attributes can be updated even if your suppliers are still inputting data for their products.
When creating Private Attributes, keep in mind that creating them applies to all product types that you might have set up.
Steps for Adding Private Attributes for Product Types
1. Click on the cog wheel in the upper right corner.
2. Select Admin.
3. Click on Product Setup. In the list of sub-tabs, click on Private Attributes.
4. Click the Add Private Attributes button.
5. Fill out the Attribute Name, Key (this auto-populates, but can be changed) and Type then click the Add Attribute button.
6. The attribute will then appear in your Private Attributes List.
Steps for Updating Private Attributes for Products Shared with Me
1. Click on Products in the left hand navigation and view Products Shared with Me. Products Shared with Me can also be viewed through each supplier's detail page.
2. Click on a product shared by a supplier. Then click Edit Product Information.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the modal to edit the Private Attribute(s) and click Save & Share.
Once you have your Private Attributes set up and filled out, you can sort and filter them on your Products Shared with Me list view. For details on reviewing products shared with you, see this article
For more information on creating product types, see this article - Product Types
For more information on mapping product flows, see this article - Product Flow Mapping
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