As a supplier, if you are a member of multiple communities, you will have the ability to set different location incident reporting contacts per community. When you set up different location incident reporting contacts per community only those individuals will be notified of incidents related to that community.
Please Note: In order to assign a contact, these individuals need to be users within your FoodLogiQ account. You will need to first invite them and have them accept their invite. Then, you can proceed with these instructions.
Steps to Assigning Community Specific Incident Reporting Contacts for Existing Users
1. Select Locations from the left navigation menu.
2. If you are a member of more than one community, select the community tab before searching for the location name.
3. From the list view, select the location name that you wish to set up your incident reporting contact for.
4. Click on the “Edit Location Information” link within the location details page.
5. Within the form, scroll down until you see the "Community-Specific Contacts Details" section. Click into the Incident Reporting Contact box to display a list of available users. Select the name of the user you wish to assign. You can assign as many contacts as you'd like.
Please note: If you do not see a user in this list, they either have a pending invitation or they need to first be invited to access the account. This is not a text field; you can only select from the list of available users.
7. Click “Save & Share”.
Please note: If no location level incident reporting contact is identified, the user who is assigned as the Incident Reporting contact at the business level for that customer would receive notifications. If that contact isn't identified, then the community contact will be identified.
Steps to Setting a Community Specific Contact when Sharing with Other Communities
You may set the community-specific incident contact for each community you are a member of.
- Select the location that you want to share from the location list view.
2. Within the location details page, click on Manage Sharing.
3. Select the community you want to share this location with and what location type you are sharing, then click next.
4. Scroll down to the Community-Specific Contact Details section and fill out the incident reporting contact.
Please note: If this section is left blank the supplier’s business-level Incident Contact is notified, and if there are no such contacts, the supplier’s Community Contacts are notified.
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