Global Location Number or “GLN” is the GS1 standard for uniquely identifying a physical location so that no other location will have the same GLN worldwide. GLNs are a 13-digit number that contains information about your company by including your GS1 Company Prefix, while also including unique set of digits that point to a specific facility that you own.
To learn more about GLNs, visit
If you need help assigning GLNs to your facilities, you will first need to obtain a GS1 Company Prefix. Once you have your GS1 Company Prefix, you can enter it into your Business Information page within FoodLogiQ. Visit GS1 Company Prefix article for more details.
Steps to Assigning GLNs Individually
- Go to the Locations page.
- If adding a new location, follow the instructions in our Adding Locations article. If assigning a GLN to an existing location, click on the location row you wish to edit.
- If you have already entered your GS1 prefix on your Business Information page, you will now see your GS1 Company Prefix populated within the “GLN or GGN” field.
- Click the circular arrow icon, it will automatically generate the next available valid 13-digit GLN number based on what GLNs already exist in your business account.
- Click Save once complete.
- Repeat process until all locations have now been assigned GLNs.
Assigning GLNs in Bulk
If you have already assigned Global Location Numbers (GLNs) to your locations within your organization outside of FoodLogiQ, you can include them in your import .csv template when adding your Locations in bulk. Visit our Adding Locations article for further details.
Note: if you need to assign GLNs in bulk using our .csv import template, please visit the Changing Location Information article for more details.
Assigning GLNs to Existing Locations
If you have already added your locations in FoodLogiQ you can edit either add the GLNs individually through the location detail pages or by exporting your list of locations, adding your GLNs to the template then re-importing the list to edit in bulk.
To view recently updated locations, add the "Last Updated" column to your Locations page and sort so the most recent are at the top of the list.
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