Workflows are used to guide a supplier through the completion of various tasks in order to meet community requirements. Workflow templates are used to create workflows. To learn more about assigning requirements via workflows, see the article Assigning Workflows to Communities.
Note: These steps are only available for the Community Owner to complete
Add a New Workflow Template
- Create a new workflow template by selecting the gear icon next to Workflows in FoodLogiQ Setup and clicking the "+" button.
- Assign a unique name to your Workflow Template that will allow you to easily identify it.
Type of Workflows
Supplier Specific
- Onboarding – steps are geared specifically for when a new Supplier joins your community
- New Product – template is assigned when a Supplier adds a new Product and shares it with your community
- New Document – template is assigned when a Supplier adds a new Document and shares it with your community
- New Location – template is assigned when a Supplier adds a new Location and shares it with your community
- Other – Custom – template can be used in another intended method. NOTE: Custom templates cannot be automatically initiated
Step Details
Step Group Name (if applicable) – Assign a name to your Step Group if you decide to use them.
- Example – If you choose to group steps based on who they are assigned to, you can name the groupings based on the team names (QA, Buyers, Supplier, etc).
- Step Name – Assign a name to each step that will allow it to be quickly and easily identified.
- Item – Decide from the list what is intended to be accomplished with the step. The user will be directed to the appropriate page in FoodLogiQ based on which item is chosen here.
- Assign To – Decide which role is going to be assigned the step. The list will include any role that has been created in your community. You can assign a step to an individual user once the workflow has been initiated.
- Attach a File – Submit an attachment to provide additional information for the action in the step.
- Due In – Determine how many days or weeks should pass before the step needs to be completed.
- Instructions – Provide instructions for the user to help them complete the step.
Additional Template Options
Workflow Initiation
- Manual Initiation – Workflows can be manually started by the Community Owner.
- Automatic Initiation – Workflows have the option to be automatically triggered when a specific action is taken, designated within the Workflow Type.
Step Groups
- Workflow Steps can be grouped if needed, often in more complex scenarios.
Include Step Reviews
- You might find it beneficial to review your supplier's progress as they work through their workflow. You have the ability to add reviews and assign reviewers to some or all steps. Reviewers will be notified when they have a review due.
- During the review process, reviewers can reject and return any assigned step so suppliers can make any needed corrections. A reviewer will also be able to mark a supplier-facing step as complete on behalf of the supplier. This may be useful in keeping the workflow moving if the supplier user forgets to mark their step complete.
- Reviews can be added for each step. You can assign an internal role to be notified to complete the review as well as assign a due date. If you'd like to learn more about creating custom roles, visit this article.
- Step Dependency – Dependencies can be added to require certain steps be completed before a given step.
- Example – You need a supplier to upload product information before your team can approve the supplier.
- Workflow Instructions – Let your team and suppliers know the purpose or goal of the workflow in the instructions section. The instructions appear in the right navigation bar for the Supplier.
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