Supplier Workflow Shortcuts allow suppliers with open workflows to complete their workflow assignments directly from their dashboard area. Workflows provide a guided checklist of steps that a Community Owner has assigned to track the completion of tasks in Connect. Each workflow consists of one or more steps and may have due dates and require later review from your customer. Marking your steps as complete allows the Community Owner to monitor your progress and alerts them that a review may be needed.
Once you are assigned a workflow, you can assign team members to complete tasks by visiting the workflow from the left navigation menu.
Please note: Community Contacts with view/edit permissions for Workflows will receive email notifications when a workflow is initiated. If there is no Community Contact, this will go to all users in your business with access to Workflows. If you'd like to limit these notifications, visit our Workflow Notifications knowledge base article for more information.
Supplier Workflow Shortcuts are only available for suppliers. Community Owners will continue to interact with workflows from the left navigation menu.
Steps to using Supplier Workflow Shortcuts
- To access your assigned workflows, click on Dashboard from the left navigation menu.
- If you are a member of more than one community, select the community you want to view.
- If there are open workflows for the community, within the Workflows section of your Dashboard you will see some basic details about the workflows assigned to your business, including the workflow title, progress thus far (ex. Step 1 of 6), as well as the next step ready for you to complete.
Please note: Suppliers will need edit permissions on workflows to take action on any workflow steps within their dashboard area.
- In each workflow step card you will see the following:
- Type of Workflow Step - (example here is Administration)
- Step Title - A descriptive title given by the Community Owner (example here is Enter Business Information & Add Logo)
- Due Date - Only present if configured by the Community Owner (example here is Due in 3 Days)
- Instructions - (example here is ‘Please ensure that your business...’). You will see a brief set of instructions to explain what task needs to be completed. While the Task steps include explicit instructions provided by your Community Owner, the rest of the step instructions are provided by FoodLogiQ to guide you what you need to complete.
Please note: Your Community Owner may also have provided additional instructions or feedback on a step, which will be shown in your email notifications, or by visiting the full Workflow experience from the left navigation menu "Workflows".
- An Action Button - The necessary action to be completed will be shown as a green button (example here is Update Business). Permissions for each action depend on the step type.
- Mark Complete - Marking a step complete will notify the Community Owner that you have completed the assigned step and will bring the next step in the workflow to take action on. Only Administrators or users with Workflow Edit permissions will be able to mark a step complete.
- There are many workflow steps you may see based on the actions required of you by the Community Owner. Examples are listed below.
In this step, any user with Business Setup permissions will be able to fill out information regarding your business.
Upon click of the Update Business button, a window will populate for you to fill out information regarding your business. All fields denoted by a red asterisk are required before you can save your information.
This step is used to perform an action not guided through the system. The description of the task is configurable by your Community Owner Admin within their Workflow template administration section. If the Community Owner has attached a file to the step, there will be a Download File button to download the provided file.
In the users workflow step, you will be able to add additional user accounts to your business. This action can be taken by Administrators or any user with User Management permissions.
This workflow step works just like the Quick Invite Team Member button from the Dashboard Quick Action buttons located at the top of your Dashboard. To learn more about adding users visit the Dashboard Quick Actions Knowledge Base article.
In the Locations or Products workflow step, you will be asked to share location or product information with your Community Owner. This can be done one at a time by selecting the Add Locations/Add Products button, or in bulk through a CSV file by following the steps in the provided link. Users will need Location/Product Create and Share permissions to be able to complete this task.
Additionally, these workflow steps function just like the Share New or Existing Location/Product buttons located at the top of your Dashboard. To learn more about adding locations or products visit the Dashboard Quick Actions Knowledge Base article.
Document and Assessment steps do not have an action button; instead, they direct you to complete items that may appear on the to-do list below.
In Connections steps, you will be asked to connect to other supplier’s businesses and/or locations.
Upon click of the Add Connections button, the user is taken to the Connection Locations page within the same window.
- There may be times when you are can see a workflow step card but unable to complete this specific step since it may be either assigned to someone else in your business (see Suppliers Assigning Workflow Task to users within their Organization article below for more details) or assigned to your Community Owner’s business. Those roles or users will need to complete their assigned tasks before you will be able to proceed.
Please note: You will receive a notification once a task is available for you to complete.
- If a supplier step is returned from your Community Owner for some reason the workflow step card will reappear on the supplier dashboard and notifications will be issued. See Workflow Notifications for more information.
Please note: The supplier business or assigned supplier will receive a notification regarding the returned step, if a comment is added the supplier will be able to review that comment within the notification only or by visiting Workflows via the left navigation.
- To advance to the next step in the workflow, you will need to click Mark Complete. A confirmation window will appear to ensure this is the desired behavior.
- Once you click Mark Complete on your final workflow step, the confirmation window will let you know this is the final step in your workflow and will ensure you’re ready to send the complete workflow onto your Community Owner.
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