As a community owner, you might find the need to set up an approval workflow for locations. You have the ability to set up custom approval steps for your locations through the Location Flow feature.
The ability to set location approval workflows is a way to internally track and approve all the locations in your community.
Steps to Configuring a Location Flow
1. Navigate to the Locations Setup tab in the Admin Section and click on Approval Flows
2. Start a new Approval Flow template by clicking the button
3. Select who gets notified when a location is shared and when a location is changed
4. Update Approval Flow steps
5. For any step, if you want the ability to create a draft version of your flow every time a supplier makes changes, select the create draft version check box.
6. Click Save
Details on Configuring a Location Workflow
1. Go to the Admin page by clicking the settings iconand navigate to the Businesses > Location Setup tab, then select the Approval Flows tab
2. Click the button to Start a new Location Approval Flow
3. To get started, name the Location Flow and select who gets notified when a location is shared and when a location is changed
4. Details on Configuring Approval Flow Steps
You can add new steps simply by clicking the at the bottom of the page. Upon clicking, a new step will appear. You can then name the step and define who will be notified by email, which roles have edit permissions and what users will be able to view during this step.
5. For any step, if you want the ability to create a draft version of your flow every time a supplier makes changes, select the create draft version check box.
6. Once you have completed your Location Flow, click Save at the top of the screen.
Understanding the Step Sections
- Step Name - The name of each step will become the status of the Location Flow once is has been submitted. Consider this as you are configuring your flow.
- What Status Will Supplier See? - Set the status indicator for each step. The default settings are Approved, Awaiting Approval and Rejected. You can also type in a custom status.
- Who gets notified at this step? - Select one or more roles from the list provided. These are the custom roles that you've setup for your business and may have assigned to your internal users. If you need to setup custom roles visit this how-to article. Any user with the specified role will receive an email notification when a location has transitioned to this step. All users included in the step will have visibility of any comment made in the step.
- Who can edit in this step? - By default Location Flow steps will allow the community contact to make edits. For internal steps, you can select one or more roles within your business to edit the flows while it is in this step.
Transition Buttons
You can add as many transition buttons as needed per step to allow the user to send the flow to the appropriate user. The top to bottom ordering of the buttons will be displayed from left to right on the location detail page in desktop browsers. Click the to add additional buttons. To modify the text that appears on the transition buttons, simply click into the box and rename as appropriate. You will also need to specify which step each transition button is linked to.
Customized Email Notification
You can also modify the subject line and body of the message that is sent to users you set to be notified when a flow is transitioned to a step. Click the icon to modify the message. You can use the
button to populate fields from the flow in your message. Click OK once complete.
Creating a Draft Version
By enabling the Create a Draft Version option, any time a supplier makes a change to their location, the current version of the flow will remain as-is and the changes will be shown as a draft version for review.
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