Mock withdrawals or recalls enable your company to perform a test of your process to ensure when the time comes to perform a real withdrawal you will achieve maximum results.
Connect allows you to “test” who gets communicated and the messaging used in the event of a withdrawal. To make your mock withdrawal as successful as possible, be sure to think outside of Connect. What other processes do you need to do a test run of in event of a withdrawal?
Some common examples are:
- Coordinating with public relations to write a press release or communicate to the media
- Communicating to the FDA or other regulatory agency
- Communicating to local community leaders
Steps to performing a mock withdrawal within Connect
- On the left navigation bar in Connect, click on Withdrawals under the Recall + Response section.
- On the Withdrawals page, click the
button to create a new withdrawal.
- On the Create a New Withdrawal page, enter all the information regarding the Withdrawal. To indicate that this is a mock Withdrawal, select the checkbox next to “This is a Mock Withdrawal”.
- When you select the option to make a mock Withdrawal, language is added to the email/text/phone that says “THIS IS A MOCK”.
Details on performing a mock withdrawal within Connect
1. On the left navigation bar in Connect, click on Withdrawals under the Recall + Response section.
2. On the Withdrawals page, click the button to create a new withdrawal.
3. On the Create a New Withdrawal page, enter all the information regarding the Withdrawal. To indicate that this is a mock Withdrawal, select “This is a Mock Withdrawal” in the withdrawal options.
4. When you select the option to make a mock Withdrawal, language is added to the mail/text/phone that says “THIS IS A MOCK”.
Other tips:
- Although it is recommended to do as real of an example as possible, you can select a small subset of individuals or locations to receive the communications by limiting the list (link to creating a withdrawal).
- In order for a contact to receive text messages, your contacts must have a phone number entered in the "Mobile" field that can receive SMS messages. To receive phone calls, users need to have either a number entered in the "Mobile" or "Phone" fields.
Want to learn more about Recall and Withdrawal Management in Recall + Response? Check out these quick videos or submit a request below.
- Recall + Response Intro and Overview in FoodLogiQ Connect
- Template Creation in FoodLogiQ Connect using Recall + Response
- Recall Kickoff in FoodLogiQ Connect using Recall + Response
- Viewing Locations in FoodLogiQ Connect using Recall + Response
- Exporting Recall Data in FoodLogiQ Connect using Recall + Response
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