As a Community Owner, you can edit the custom attributes and type of a document that a supplier has shared with you. Editing may be useful if the supplier has chosen an incorrect type or if you’ve created a new type that will better fit this document. You can update a document’s custom attributes at any time, including after changing a document’s type when there may be additional custom attributes. This enables reviewers at your business to be self-sufficient in addressing misclassifications in type and ensure that all data is accurate.
For more information on adding, editing, and maintaining documents in FoodLogiQ, see this collection of articles.
Steps to Edit Custom Attributes and Document Type for Documents Shared with Me
1. Click on Documents in the left navigation and select any document under "Shared with Me".
2. Click Edit Document Information to pull up the editable form view.
Note: If your supplier has edited the document, you will see a gold banner at the top of the page requiring you to take action before being able to edit any of their custom attributes.
3. After clicking Edit Document Information, you can change the Document Type at the top of the page or edit any of the custom attributes.
4. Click Save once finished editing.
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