To create specification sheets, you will first need to build specification templates. You can create as many specification templates as you need.
To get started:
1. Navigate to the Admin section of specifications by clicking on the cogwheel icon next to Specifications in the left-hand navigation menu. Then, click Add Specification Template to add a template.
2. Give a unique name to your specification and select an internal approval flow for this template. For more information on internal flows, visit Configuring Internal Flows.
NOTE: Specification Template names cannot be repeated.
3. The specification template has a set of attributes by default, you may remove or add to attributes to build your own specification template.
5. Configure your template by adding and/or removing attributes by clicking on the Add/Edit Attributes button at the bottom of each category. Custom attributes can also be added. Click + Add Custom Attribute to create your own attributes.
Custom Attributes
Custom Attributes are completely user defined and may be specific to your own business.
Attribute Name vs. Key
- Attribute Name is the user-friendly value that will be displayed to the supplier who is entering the information.
- Key is intended for the database name if you are importing using the .csv template or using an API to share the information.
Within a custom attribute, there are 10 field types you can choose from:
- Selection list types: Display a dropdown menu of options. Single selection is by default, but you can allow for multiple selections if needed.
- Date: Display a calendar within the online submission form for your users to select a date. If importing products using the .csv template, the required format is “mm/dd/yyyy”.
- Decimal Number: Use when capturing a numeric value for an attribute that needs to have the option of recording decimals, such as price per case or case weight.
- Images: Use when capturing only images - the user will not be able to type.
- Text: Choose this option if you want a free-form text field.
- Whole Number: Use when requesting a numeric value for an attribute that does not require decimals.
- Yes/No: Use when asking a question where the supplier has only these two options.
The custom attributes will have to be assigned to a specific Attribute category by using the Category field on the form. The list is divided between Active vs. Inactive Categories.
- Active Categories are the categories visible on the template because one or more standard attributes from that category have been added.
- Inactive Categories are the categories where no attributes have been added.
Add Help Text if needed and click Add Attribute.
Editing Custom Attributes
Once you create your attributes, you have a few options to edit them.
- Required v. Optional: To change an attribute from required to option or vice-versa, simply uncheck the Required checkbox.
- Remove Attributes: If you no longer need the attribute, click the trash can to delete it completely.
- In-attribute editing: Click into any attribute to edit its Name, Key, Field Type, Help Text, or Required Status.
6. Ensure all required attributes are selected as required and save your template.
Locking Templates
The Template State is used to control when the specification sheet can be assigned to a location.
- Unlocked: To edit the template and the Master Specification created with the template, maintain the template unlocked.
- Locked: Once the specification sheet has all the information required, lock the template to assign the specification sheet to internal or external locations.
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