The GS1 Company Prefix is a unique identification number that is assigned to your business by GS1. You can purchase a prefix by visiting this link if you are a US company. To learn more about GS1 Standards, visit our Master Data page here.
Once you have a company prefix, you can use it to create barcodes for your products, and generate GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers), a 14-digit number unique to your product. You can also use your prefix to assign globally unique identifiers for your locations, or GLNs, (Global Location Numbers) 13-digit unique numbers.
Within Connect, you can enter your GS1 Prefix on your Business Information page, which is located within the “Settings” dropdown menu in the top righthand corner.
Once you enter your prefix in your Business Information page, when adding new products or locations, simply click the “Get Next Available” icon to generate a valid identifier if you do not have one already assigned.
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