As a Community Owner, you may from time to time find that you need to update the incident types that you have already loaded into your Connect account for your Community. For reference to what incident types are used for in the event it's been a while since you initially loaded them in, please see this knowledge article: Incident Types.
Navigating to Incident Types
- To edit the Incident Types that are already in your Connect account, you'll first need to access the "Admin" section by clicking on the gear "
" icon in the top right-hand corner.
- After accessing the Admin section, click on "Incident Types" under the "Business" section.
- Then select which Incident Type you want to edit by clicking anywhere on that incident. That will pull up that Incident for you to begin to edit.
- Once you have the Incident Type pulled up, you can edit two different sections: "Fields & Attributes" and "Incident Flow."
Editing Fields & Attributes
In the "Fields & Attributes" section, you can edit any of the sections as well as any of the different fields within each section. We'll use an example for why you would want to do this. Let's imagine that during the initial set up of the Incident Type, we forgot a section that requires some additional information from a supplier. We'll need to add the section and then add some questions for that new section to be completed by the supplier. To accomplish this, we'll do the following:
- Add a new section by scrolling to the bottom of the "Fields & Attributes" section and click on "Add a New Section."
- Once you've added a new section and named it, you can move it to different areas if you want to organize the sections better. To move a section, click and hold the "
" button to the left of the section title, and then drag and drop the section where you want it.
- Now you'll want to add different questions or fields to the newly created section. To do this, you'll select "Add Field" at the bottom of the section which will display a pop-up for you to enter the question or information needed by the supplier.
- Once you add the question, select the type of question it can be, and save it, it will be populated in the new section. Once you've completed adding your section with all of the fields you want, you'll want to edit the Incident Flow to make sure the new requirements go to the correct person.
Editing the Incident Flow
Following the same example above, you'll want to make sure that your Incident Flow is updated after you add the additional section and requirements for more information. When editing the Incident Flow, you can edit individual steps that have already been created or you can create new sections altogether. When editing an individual step, you can edit all of the following:
- "Who gets notified at this step?"
- "Who can edit in this step?"
- "What can be edited in this step?"
- "Transition Button" and Transition Step
To edit any of those fields in the boxes above, you can either click on the "X" next to the value already selected and remove it, you can click in the white space to see other options that you can add, or you could change the transition button or step.
If you wanted to add a whole new step to your flow, as in the example above with collecting additional information from a supplier, you would scroll all the way down and click on "Add Step."
From here, you can select whether the step is for internal use, for the distributor, or for the supplier. Once you select who the step is for, you'll then select who is notified, what can be edited, who can edit in the step, and then where the step transitions to as mentioned above.
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