Users can copy individual incident responses that their business has previously submitted. This is primarily available to accelerate the time it takes to fill out a response if a portion of the questions is answered the same way, for instance when performing incidents of different products in the same delivery.
Please note: Copied incidents is a full copy of the incidents, no notifications will be issued on a copy within the initial step.
How to copy an Incident
1. Once logged into Connect, click on Incidents within the left navigation.
2. Within the incidents table, there is a copy icon available to users with edit permissions that will allow you to copy an incident.
Please note: Users will see this copy icon regardless of the status the incident is in.
3. Once you select the copy icon a pop-up window will appear.
4. Within the window, you will need to choose a status if the source incident had multiple transition steps at the "Create" step. This ability to choose a status is only enabled if and only if there are multiple transitions from the create state to other statuses in the incident type. Otherwise, it will be disabled.
For example - for most incident types that simply from Create → Open, there’s no need for them to choose Open. For incident types that have Create → Open AND Create → For Review, the user would pick between Open and For Review - just like they can do when creating an incident ad-hoc.
5. Upon clicking “Start”, a new incident is created and you will be taken directly to that new incident detail page.
6. Within the incident details page, all of the copied incident’s information is copied from its source.
7. The copied incident will get the next incident ID in the queue.
8. The copied incident’s history is cleared, and will have a new initial entry referencing the clone action.
9. The originating incident gets an item in its history as well.
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