Some suppliers may need to conduct ad hoc assessments that are not tied to a particular schedule or requirement. The steps below will walk you through creating an ad hoc assessment.
Steps to Adding an Assessment
1. Select "Audits & Assessment" from the left navigation menu. You will be taken to a list of all your assessments that were scheduled for you to conduct or any assessments you have started, previously completed and submitted to your customer.
2. Before you add an ad hoc audit or assessment, we encourage you to review the assessments shown in the list view and Dashboard to see if that assessment already exists or is provided as a To-Do list item.
Audits & Assessment List View
Supplier Dashboard
3. In order to add an ad hoc assessment, click on the “+” button shown on the right-hand corner.
4. Once you click on the “+” button, a new window will be shown prompting you to choose which community you are completing this assessment for and the assessment template you wish to complete. Click Start New Assessment when ready.
Note: If you don't see the Assessment Template name you are looking for, please contact your Community Contact, they may need to adjust your business, product or location requirements. You can send them a message through Connect by visiting the Message Center. To Learn more about sending community messages, visit this article.
5. You will now be shown the assessment based on the template you selected. If your customer has specified in the assessment template that they need you to link the assessment to locations and/or products, the associated locations and associated products fields will be visible at the top of the screen. You will need to complete these fields before you can submit your assessment. This will allow the reviewer to clearly understand what products or locations this assessment supports.
- You can select one or more locations and/or products in these fields, but not new items directly as text. If you do not see any options to choose from, you may need to exit the Assessment by clicking the X in the top right corner and then going to your Products or Locations page to first add and share with your customer.
- Any time an assessment to-do is completed from the dashboard, products and locations are automatically created for you and will not be editable.
6. Please associate all related products or locations before clicking Next or Save. You will be unable to submit the assessment until you associate at least one product or location to the assessment. If you do not have all expected products or locations available to select from, exit out of the assessment or leave these fields blank when saving or clicking next. You will be able to return and enter those items.
7. Once you have associated your products or locations for the assessment, on save or next you will be returned to the top of the page with a warning message letting you know you will not be able to edit associations once you proceed. If you click “No” in the window presented below, you will still be able to edit your product and location associations. If you click "Yes", you will be returned to the assessment to complete your responses but will be unable to modify the product/location associations at the top of the screen.
Note: If you select "Yes" and realize this was a mistake, you will need to delete the assessment and create a new ad hoc assessment.
8. Once you have responded to every question in the assessment and associated at least 1 product or location (if applicable), you will be able to submit the assessment so your customer can review your responses. Once you submit your assessment, you will not be able to modify your responses unless your customer submits a change request on a question that will allow you to revisit your response to that question.
Note: If you complete an ad hoc assessment by clicking the "+" button on the Audits + Assessments page you should return to your Dashboard and make sure there are no open to-do list items related to this assessment. Creating an ad hoc assessment will not satisfy a to-do list item.
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