Community Owners have the ability to trigger a Corrective Actions and Preventive Actions (CAPA) on individual questions within Audits & Assessments. These audits and assessments may be submitted by a supplier, or completed as an Internal Audit by an internal user, signaling a non-conformance. Corrective actions can be triggered via mobile or desktop, this article however will review how to trigger one on desktop.
Being able to trigger CAPAs will allow you to quickly communicate non-conformance with your team before they become costly issues. CAPA is designed to develop a successful treatment plan for a root cause of an issue. After a Corrective Action is created, communication can be routed to the appropriate party to fulfill the Corrective Action. Please note there may be times when users need to trigger a change request instead of a CAPA, please review our Change Request knowledge base article for more details.
Please note: Suppliers who are completing a Supplier Self-Assessment will not be able to trigger a CAPA on a specific assessment they are completing. This functionality is only available for community owners who are reviewing all audit types or conducting a supplier or internal audit.
Steps to triggering a Corrective Action on an Audit or Assessment
As a Community Owner go to the Audits & Assessments within the left navigation.
Tab into the type of audit you want to review, potential options displayed here are Internal Audits, Supplier Audits and Assessment and Self Assessments and then click into an audit & assessment that you wish to review.
Locate the question within the audit & assessment that you wish to trigger a CAPA, at the bottom of the question you can click "Add New" next to "Corrective Actions" to begin the process. Each Audit or Assessment question that you are reviewing or conducting you will have the ability to add a CAPA.
Please note only users with edit permissions on audits and assessments will be able to add a CAPA.
Go to the question you wish to assign corrective action to and then click on.
- This will open up 2 sections for you to fill out regarding the corrective action. What is the problem? What is the due date? All fields denoted by an asterisk are required fields.
Please note within the Corrective Actions area user will have the option to click on What is this? Which will explain when to use a CAPA.
- Once you have completed the Corrective Actions fields you will need to click the Submit button. Once submitted a corrective action notification will be sent to the appropriate individuals. Please note: Corrective action notifications are sent as soon a user submits one. A separate notification will go out for each corrective action issued per question. Users can add multiple CAPAs to an audit or assessment question.
- Users will be able to add as many CAPAs to a specific audit question as needed.
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