If you have configured Incidents and CAPAs on an audit or assessment template, you will then be able to launch an incident or CAPA on an audit or assessment that you are conducting that utilizes that template. See the article Configuring Incidents and CAPAs on an Audit & Assessment Template to learn more.
Please note: Any role with Incident edit access can submit an incident on an audit or assessment question response. Any role with Incident view access will only be able to view incidents added.
Steps to Launch an Incident
1. Click into an audit/assessment from the Audits & Assessments list view and locate the question from which you'd like to launch the incident. Select the Add button next to Incidents.
2. Select the applicable incident type from the dropdown list.
3. After you select this, the options available will depend on what incident type you chose. The example below may look very different from what you will actually see. Any field with a red asterisk is a required field and must be filled out to continue.
4. After you've finished entering information, you'll be able to add an optional comment at the bottom of the window. Here, you can add any notes or comments you may wish to add. These comments will appear in the History section of the incident and are not required.
5. Clickat the bottom of the window. You've successfully created an incident! You will land back in your audit/assessment and can view the incident underneath the audit question. To view the incident details after creating the incident, select View Incident.
7. After selecting View Incident, you will be brought to the incident details page in a new tab. You'll see a link for the audit/assessment within the incident.
8. Back on the Incidents list view, you can filter based on Audit Name to easily see which incidents were created from an audit/assessment. Select the filter button to bring up the available filter options, then select Audit Name. From the dropdown list, select which audits you'd like to filter on.
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