A .csv or comma-separated formatted file is another method that can be utilized in order to submit traceability data to FoodLogiQ. We have a standard template with specific column headers that will need to be retained. Simply enter each record as a new line within the file, and save as .csv. This is a manual method for submission, but the same file format could also be utilized via FTP upload (See FTP submission method section for more details).
Instructions for submitting a CSV file
- Login to FoodLogiQ, then click on “Events” within the left-hand navigation menu.
- Click on the 'Import Event' button in the upper-right section and select the type of event to import. (Shipping, Receiving, or Transforming)
Note: Harvesting (Aquaculture) and Landing events are not supported through .csv import at the current moment. Transforming events with seafood contents are additionally not supported currently.
Note: Harvesting (Aquaculture) and Landing events are not supported through .csv import at the current moment. Transforming events with seafood contents are additionally not supported currently.
- This takes you to a page where you can download the .csv template file to fill out before submitting. You can also submit the file from this page when ready.
- Select the appropriate options from the three drop-down menus.
- Associate with Community is important since your customer may have added custom attributes that they are wanting you to include.
- Type drop-down menu will display the names of the events that your customer/community owner has designated.
- Click the 'Download Template' hyperlink to get the .csv formatted file that you will need to use when submitting traceability information.
- Open the file and complete with the necessary information. No matter how your event is submitted we require the date format to be "MM/DD/YYYY".
- Once you have completed the spreadsheet with the necessary event data, save as a .csv formatted file. The filename does not matter.
- When ready to submit your file, either click on the browse link or drag the file into the Import File section.
- Click “Save”.
- To see the results of the upload, click on the "History" tab. This shows you the history of files uploaded via this process.
- The important columns to note are the "Total" and "Imported" columns. The "Total" column displays how many events were attempted to be uploaded. The "Imported" column shows you how many were successfully submitted. To see the errors and details of what the errors are, click on the > icon on the row in question.
- The error details are shown on the right-hand side of the section. To view the file you used, click on the download icon. This will download the file you uploaded, so you can adjust/make changes to it.
- Previously submitted Events can be viewed within the Events page.
- The Event column shows whether it was a shipping, receiving, or transforming event.
- The Location column shows the Transformation
, Ship From
, and the Ship To
- You can use the search filter
to narrow your results.
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