As a Community Owner, you have requirements and expectations for your suppliers. Scorecards based on suppliers’ compliance and adherence to those expectations are key to multiple areas of your organization. Once you've set up the scorecard template, the supplier scorecard is ready to view. For more information on setting up templates, see the article Configuring a Supplier Scorecard.
This article will cover:
- How to View a Supplier Scorecard
- Components of a Scorecard
- Scoring Custom Rules
- Banners and Additional Information
How to View a Supplier Scorecard
1. From the Suppliers list view, select the supplier whose scorecard you wish to view. For a scorecard to be present, the supplier must belong to a Supplier Group that you've assigned on a template.
2. Within the supplier's summary page, you'll see a tile next to Contacts & Company Info that says Current Score. The tile will only be present if the supplier has a scorecard template assigned to them. This is a snapshot of the supplier's current score and a graph of the history of their score. The graph will be fairly empty until more time has passed.
There is also a new tab called Scorecard to the right of Summary. Click either on the Scorecard tab or anywhere within the Current Score tile to view the supplier's scorecard.
Components of a Scorecard
Within the scorecard, there are several components that show the supplier's current score, score history, and notices of when the scores were last updated. The below example identifies these items and describes their meaning.
1. Automatic rules last updated: The scores for automatic rules are updated once per day.
2. Custom rules last updated: The scores for custom rules can be updated manually at any time. They are not a part of the nightly processing period; their scores will be incorporated into the supplier's scorecard in real time, as soon as you update the values.
3. Score custom rules: Update the scores for this supplier to see the most up-to-date current score.
4. Three-dot menu: Export the scorecard to PDF by opening this menu.
5. How is this scorecard calculated?: Opening this window gives you more information on how the calculations contribute to the supplier's overall score.
6. History view: This graph depicts the history of the supplier's current score. If you've just assigned a template, or reassigned this supplier group to a new template, you will not see any history until more data has been collected.
7. Current score: This is the suppliers current score which is comprised of the scores for all automatic rules and custom rules.
8. 90-Day Change: This is how much the suppliers score has changed over the last 90 days.
9. Comparison within supplier group: This compares the current score of the supplier to other suppliers in the same supplier group.
10. Section weights: These are the weights you've configured on the scorecard template. The History View graph reflects these weights.
11. Section scores: Each of the section scores are the unweighted scores of each section. When looking at the Current Score and the History View at the top of the scorecard, the weighted scores for each of the sections are incorporated.
12. One section score: This 50% is the unweighted score of the Safety section, resulting from the scores of each of the 4 rules.
13. Rule values: Each value at the end of the ellipses is the raw value of the rule, rather than their corresponding points. For example, 75% is the score of the supplier's most recent FSMA 204 Readiness Assessment and 134 is the highest number of days a HACCP document is expired for this supplier. To understand the points assigned to these values, refer back to your scorecard template.
14. Section graph: The section graph is a history view of the section's unweighted score. In this example, the section graph tracks the Safety section's score, currently 50%, overtime.
Scoring Custom Rules
To score custom rules for this supplier, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner. You will see a pop up with each of the custom rules you've set on the template, grouped by section, along with reminders of the scoring range.
If the custom rules have been scored previously, the current answer will be to the right of each field.
The current answer indicates the value you entered for this question the last time you scored the custom rules. If there are no changes to this score, simply input the same value again. If you feel that changes to the current score are needed, enter in a new value. Then, click Save.
Banners and Additional Information
There are several notifications that you may see depending on how the scorecard template was set.
1. Score Custom Rules banner: If you've configured custom rules on the template, there will be a banner on the supplier's scorecard asking you to score custom rules. You may enter in scores for these rules at any time, but note that the current score will not be fully representative without this data. Click on the pencil icon to score custom rules. After saving, this banner will be removed.
2. Pending Template Changes banner: If you've edited a scorecard template in any way, the scorecard will be locked until after the nightly processing period. Template changes are only incorporated once per day; to ensure you are viewing a scorecard with the most up-to-date rules, scoring parameters, sections, etc., the scorecard will unavailable on the supplier's page until after these changes are incorporated.
3. How is this Scorecard calculated?: In the top-right corner of the scorecard is a link with the text How is this Scorecard calculated? Clicking this link brings you to an information pop up window with details around how the current score is calculated. The window also explains how section weights are incorporated, how the section scores contribute to the overall score, and how you can change these configurations at any time (on the scorecard template).
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