When creating an incident type, the Fields & Attributes section is where you will define all of the information and details captured for the incident. There are several customizable standard sections, along with the ability to add as many other custom fields and sections as needed. Once Fields & Attributes are configured, define the flow for your incident type. See this article for information on configuring flows.
Navigating to the Fields & Attributes Section
- Navigate to your incident types by clicking the cog wheel next to Incidents in the left navigation.
- Click the "+" button.
- The Fields & Attributes section is found at the top of page.
Configuring the Fields & Attributes Sections
There are several ways to customize the Fields & Attributes sections.
Reorder Fields: You can change the order of any field by clicking the
handle on the left side of the line, then dragging and dropping the field.
- Add Fields: You can add as many fields as you need by clicking "Add New Field" at the bottom of each section. Here, you can name and define the attribute you would like to capture.
Delete Fields: You can delete individual fields, or entire sections by clicking on the trash can
icon. Upon clicking, you will get a pop up that requires you to confirm the delete action.
- Add Section: You can add an entire section by clicking the bar "Add a New Section" at the bottom of Fields & Attributes. Upon clicking, a new section with no fields will appear. You can name the section and add as many attributes as needed.
Understanding the Standard Sections
- General: This section gathers the location, community and incident date information. You can customize the names of these attributes or add additional attributes below the default fields.
- Incident Detail: This section is designed to capture details pertaining to the incident. You may rename, reorder, delete, or add to the default fields in this section.
- Product Info: This section is designed to capture all the details about the product being reported on.
- Incident Photos: In this section, incident reporters can upload image files or other attachments (ie. PDF, spreadsheets, etc) as a part of their incident report. If the reporter is using the FoodLogiQ Connect mobile app the user can use their device's camera to take a photo of the product or case label to include in their report. You can modify the display name for this field, choose to make it required, or delete it. You can also add an image field in other sections of the incident form if needed. The incident reporter can upload multiple files.
- Credit Request: This section allows you to track requests for credit regarding the incident. By default, this section is configured with display attributes based on how the incident reporter answers the questions in the section. If they indicate they would like to request a credit, they will then be required to enter further details.
Working with New Incident Attributes
After clicking on the "Add Field" button, you need to define the parameters of the attribute you wish to track. You will need to name the attribute, create a key for it (auto created after name is entered) and define the type of attribute you want to capture.
The Type field has several options, including date, numbers, images, several text-based options, and yes/no. The Business Transaction field, available to community owners also using FoodLogiQ Traceability, can be used when you have submitted PO, Bill of Lading, or Invoice # attributes in a receiving or shipping event for your My Locations (ie a store or cafe).
You also have the option to add help text to describe to the incident submitter what should be captured in this field. If you choose to enter help text, you will see a checkmark appear on the incident type configuration page once applied. The incident submitter will then be able to view the help information when filling out the incident. See example below.
Finally, you have the options to make the attribute conditional as well as make it a required field. If you choose to make it conditional, you will then be required to define the “Display If” parameters for the attribute.
- Incident Intro in FoodLogiQ Connect using Manage + Monitor
- Incident Types and New Fields in FoodLogiQ Connect using Manage + Monitor
- Incident Editing in FoodLogiQ Connect using Manage + Monitor
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